Originally, the telegraph machine sent Morse code messages. Samuel Morse was first to perfect a telegraph machine and received a patent for his invention. It took several years after this invention for the first telegraph line to be built. The line was completed in 1844. This telegraph sent messages via Morse code, which printed out the message in a series of dots and dashes. Short signals appeared on a printed page as a dot while long signals appeared as a dash.
Audible Signals
The government, military and airlines used Morse code in the form of an audible signal for many years. The military used Morse code extensively during World War II. Pilots still learn basic Morse code. The two signals in the code are a short sound and a longer sound. The system hinges on precise timing. One long signal should take three times as long as a short signal. Operators leave silences the same length as a long signal in between each letter.
Light-based systems deliver Morse code messages via a series of blinking lights. In this method, the signals remain exactly the same, but light is substituted for the audible beeps used in audio transmission or the dashes in a printed message. Short signals equivalent to the dot are one-third the length of the long signals, which are equivalent to the dash. In the past, ships at sea used light-based Morse code signals to communicate.
Today, Morse code signals can be sent via a number of different computer programs. People have written a number of simple computer programs, web based javascript programs and even an iPhone app that transmits messages in Morse code. One app takes text messages and translates them into Morse code for you. The iPhone apps that utilize Morse code include "Morse Code," "Morse It" and "Morse Code Decoder."