Things You'll Need
Determine the scale used for the calculation such as inches or feet. Make a note of the contour interval to use for the scale, such as 50 feet. Make a note of the interval, such as two squares equal 50 feet on a piece of graph paper.
Draw a vertical line that intersects a horizontal line on a sheet of graph paper. Label the horizontal line "x" and the vertical line "y."
Draw a 45-degree line from the intersection of line "x" and line "y" outward to the right.
Make a mark on line "y" to indicate points for "100," "200," and "300." Make a dot that is in-between the "100" and "200" marks of line "y" on the diagram. Label this dot "160 feet."
Count two squares below line "y" and make a mark for "-100." Count two additional squares and make a mark for "-200."
Count three squares to the left of line "x" and make a mark. Count an additional three squares and make a second mark. Draw a line from the second mark on line "x" to the mark for "-200" on line "y."
Determine the angle of the line you just drew with the protractor. This result is the apparent dip for the plane.