Talk to current drill team members and coaches about what is expected of members in terms of skills and knowledge before the actual tryouts occur. Essentially, do your homework. Does the drill team compete? Do they just perform at school functions? What's the cost for participating? What skills are necessary to make the team?
Practice all of the routines you'll be expected to perform at the tryouts. Work on specific skills, such as high kicks, tumbling or dance moves.
Style your hair, shave your legs and put on the right amount of makeup to present yourself in a manner befitting your school and the drill team. Your appearance will be the first thing the judges take note of during tryouts.
Wear the appropriate clothing for tryouts, which is often specified before the actual tryouts. Show the judges that you'll always look the part and will represent your school in the best possible light.
Show up for tryouts with a can-do attitude, which can often be the difference between making the team and not making the team. Show the judges you are willing and able to take on whatever they throw at you. Refrain from complaining or whining about tasks you're asked to do, as judges will often toss in seemingly inexplicable requests just to see if you have the wherewithal to deal with it. Coaches and judges won't select someone they believe will cause problems during the season.
Bring a copy of your current grade card to show the judges that grades are important to you and that you strive for academic excellence.