Things You'll Need
Pull the fishing line taut. Pull the edge of the line over itself to double-up the line. The doubled-up portion of the line should be 8 to 12 inches long.
Grasp the fishing line so that the loop rests several inches beyond your fingers. Slide the loop of the fishing line into the eye of the fishing hook. It possible, attach the fishing hook to a sturdy object or ask a friend to hold it.
Pull the loop away from the fishing hook. Slide the loop over your index finger so that the loop rests on the inside of your finger. The free end of the line should hang beneath your hand.
Grasp the edge of the small end of the line with your free hand. Wrap the small line around the long line, moving towards the eye of the hook. Wrap the line seven times.
Slide the edge of the small end of the line towards the original loop. Slide the small end of the line under the original loop so that it rests below your index finger and above the taut portion of the line.
Remove your index finger.
Wet the line with water and slide the knot towards the eye of the hook.