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Polaroid Users Guide for 81-05 Film Holder

Polaroid cameras were popular instant cameras for 50 years. The advent of digital cameras took over the instant image market, and the company only makes a small instant camera today. Some photographers still use film cameras, and the old Polaroid cameras are handy for checking the lighting effects on a scene before committing it to film. But finding old manuals and help for aging equipment can be challenging.
  1. Large Format Film

    • The Polaroid 81-05 film holder accommodates sheets of 8-by-10-inch instant film. The holder is inserted on the back of a large format camera capable of accepting the holder. The holder is placed into a processor unit after exposure that is a self-contained darkroom but without the chemicals. The film is exposed, placed in the processor that contains a pre-loaded unit with developing chemicals and after a few minutes, a photo is produced.

    Adapting a Camera

    • When placing the holder on a large format camera, be sure it is centered and perpendicular to the lens axis. The film and ground screen have to be in the same plane.

    Loading the Negative

    • Keep all the components from direct light. Stray light can penetrate the assembly and fog the film. Clean all the components before beginning, especially the felt strips on the holder. They prevent dust from accumulating on the print. Open the holder by pushing on the two spring clips and lifting the blue slide handles. Place the negative film envelope, printed side up, into the slot, hook the fold from the envelope that is facing downward onto the orange tongue of the film holder, close and re-latch the film holder. Once the holder is closed, pull the envelope the negative is contained in out from the base of the holder and throw the envelope away.


    • Place the holder onto the camera and expose the picture by pulling the slide at a steady pace by the handles until it stops. Do not pull the negative tab. Time the exposure, and when ready, push the slide back to its original position. Take the holder off the camera, and slide it under the film processor with the slide facing up and the negative tab toward you.

    Positive Sheet

    • The sheet is inserted into the holder just above the ledge and below the slide handles. Push it in, making sure the negative tab feeds through the slit in the white paper strip from the positive film assembly. Expose the film according to the processor directions.

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