Things You'll Need
Set a ceramic tile upside down on a table. Place an 8-by-10-inch photograph on the ceramic tile.
Trace loosely around the photograph with a pencil.
Wrap cloth around a table vice and clamp the ceramic tile in the vice.
Put on your safety goggles for the cutting portions of the project. Attach a cutting wheel to a rotary tool. Set the rotary tool aside momentarily and fill a spray bottle with water. Spray the ceramic tile with water to reduce the dust while cutting.
Cut along the pencil lines with the rotary tool, going slowly to carefully follow the line as closely as possible.
Use a jig saw to cut four pieces of 1/4 inch plywood to make a rectangle backing for your ceramic picture frame.
Fasten the four pieces of cut 1/4-inch plywood together using staples and a staple gun to form the rectangle.
Glue the plywood rectangle to the back of the ceramic frame and let it dry overnight.
Fit a pane of glass into the back of the ceramic frame, then fit your photo in. Cover the back of the photo with cardboard. Push thumb tacks through the cardboard into the plywood to hold the cardboard in place.