Things You'll Need
Lay a white pillowcase down on a table or desktop. Measure the width and length of the pillowcase. Cut two lengths of 1-inch PVC piping to match the width of the pillowcase, and two lengths of 1-inch PVC piping to match the length of the case.
Insert the lengths of PVC piping into the ̶0;L̶1; connectors to create a frame that matches the shape of the pillow case. In the length of PVC piping that forms the bottom cross section, cut the pipe in half in the middle and insert a ̶0;T̶1; connector. Position the ̶0;T̶1; connector so the third opening of the connector is pointed downward.
Slide the pillowcase over the PVC frame. Place the frame, now covered by the pillowcase, on top of a light stand by sliding the opening of the ̶0;T̶1; connector over the top of the light stand.
Position the diffuser between the light source and your subject, turn the light on and you will see that the light now appears softer and there are no harsh shadows.