Toy Chest
Most kids have a toy chest, storage container or even a closet floor littered with toys -- some intact, some mismatched or disfigured. Suggest that your child capture photos of the toys arranged in different ways. For instance, neatly line up a row of dolls, all but one of which are in good condition. The odd one may be missing its hair or have crayon markings on its face. Ask her to pick seven different toys, each representing a color of the rainbow, or simply arrange all her favorite toys in order from favorite to least favorite.
Around Town
Take your child to a public place such as a shopping center or a park. Ask her to take photographs of unusual objects. A lighted sign with one defective letter would make an interesting picture, as would a small pile of litter or a torn basketball hoop. This encourages her to begin viewing everyday objects with an inventive eye. Even if an object is not intentionally arranged in an aesthetic way, a photograph can transform it into an artistic subject.
Photo Journal
Your child can create a diary comprised entirely of still life photographs. The pictures may simply narrate an average "day in the life" -- a sudsy bar of soap, a bowl of cereal, an outfit folded on the bed, a pile of dog-eared schoolbooks or a stack of homework. This type of journal can even make a great holiday gift for close friends and family. After documenting a regular day, your child can expand to other similar projects, such as documenting a family vacation or a holiday.
Other Hobbies
If photography is your child's secondary love, suggest that she combine it with another hobby. This is seen somewhat in online blogging, which varies slightly from the aforementioned photo journal. If your child is an aspiring young chef, she can create elaborate recipe books using her own photos. Take one collective picture that includes all of the recipe's ingredients, or many pictures to document each step of the cooking process. These personalized recipe cards also make great gifts. This activity not only works well with cooking but with nearly any craft or hobby.