Things You'll Need
Turn off your flash. In Auto mode, your camera will engage the flash function if the light meter does not detect enough light for proper exposure. Disable flash mode to eliminate the bright white glare that will show up in your resulting image.
Attach a polarizing filter to the front of your lens. Polarizing filters help eliminate reflections and glare while increasing color saturation
Place your lens directly against the glass when shooting through a storefront window or glass display case. Because there is no room for light to enter between your lens housing and the glass, no glare will appear.
Shoot at a 45-degree angle to the glass. Glare usually only appears when shooting straight into a window or display case at a 90-degree angle.
Select an appropriate time of day to photograph through glass. Generally, the early morning, late afternoon and early evening hours offer subdued light which helps reduce the severity of glare. Avoid shooting at high noon or when the sun is intense.