Review your daily assignments with your photo editor or the editors of the section where your pictures will appear. You want to have a clear understanding of the accompanying story, article or feature.
Search past issues of the publication you are working for, to see if a similar story ran prior to your joining the staff. You do not want to submit the same type of pictures used in the past. If you find an issue with a similar story or images, you can certainly use one or more shots as inspiration. But think of creative ways to change the shot to make it more interesting, either through lighting or the position of the people or items in the picture.
Look for feature or standalone pictures that your newspaper or magazine may run when you are out on assignments. These extra pictures will generally have nothing to do with the assignment you are shooting, but are images editors may still want. By providing your editors with these images, it shows your initiative and commitment to doing the best possible work for your publication.
Maintain your camera equipment, and have it serviced just like it was your own. Professional digital cameras can be very expensive, and they need regular cleaning and servicing to keep them working correctly. Doing this will extend the life of the camera and will save your publication money, by not having to replace the equipment too often.