Things You'll Need
Place two 1-inch-by-2-inch-by-6-inch vertical wood studs on a flat surface. Adjust each stud so the short sides are facing you. Measure three-quarters of an inch down toward the center from the short end on the far side of the first stud. Drill a three-eighths-inch-wide hole through the stud at this point. Repeat the drilling process for the second stud.
Place two 1-inch-by-2-inch-by-5-inch common wood rafters on the flat surface. Adjust each rafter so the short sides are facing you. Measure three-quarters of an inch down toward center from the short end on the far side of the first rafter. Drill a three-eighths-inch-wide hole through the rafter at this point. Measure three-fourths-inch up toward center from the short end on the near side of the first rafter. Drill a second three-eighths-inch-wide hole. Repeat the drilling process for the second rafter.
Lay the 1-inch-by-2-inch-by-4-inch wood ceiling joist on the flat surface. Adjust the joist so one of the short sides are facing you. Measure three-fourths-inch down toward the center from the short end on the far side of the joist. Drill a three-eighths-inch-wide hole through the joist at this point. Repeat the drilling process for the near side short end of the rafter.
Place the first vertical stud on the flat surface. Overlap one of the three-eighths-inch holes in the first rafter with the first stud. Adjust the rafter so it forms an inward 45-degree angle. Attach the two pieces with a bolt, washer and a nut. Repeat this process with the second stud and rafter. Overlap and bolt the two remaining holes at the top of each rafter.
Lay the ceiling joist horizontally atop the two rafters. Adjust the joist so each of the rafter bodies is flush with the two three-eighths-inch holes in the joist. Trace each joist hole on each respective rafter.
Remove the joist. Drill a three-eighths-inch hole through each rafter using the trace lines as a guide. Bolt the joist into position between the two rafters with the remaining hardware.