Things You'll Need
Open the word processing program you want to use to create the student photo journalist badge. Click the start button in the top left corner. Select "New" then "Blank document" to open a new page.
Set the margins so the badge is roughly 3 by 4 inches in size. This size is large enough to be visible but not too large to get in the way.
Type "Photo" across the top of the badge in a large enough font so it is visible from a distance. Add the name of the school near the bottom of the badge and a contact phone number. Save the document as a "Template" that can be used for all the badges you need to create.
Set up a white background and take a digital picture of each student who needs a badge. Take a second picture of the student holding a card with their name on it so the student can be identified.
Download the pictures to your computer. Open the template you created. Click "Insert" in the toolbar, select "Picture" and the file for the picture of first student. Click and hold the edge of the picture and position it so the top of the image is just under the word "Photo." Release the picture and it will drop into place.
Type the student's name just under the photo. Save the edited badge as a word document using the student's last name as the file name. Repeat this for all the students in the course
Print the individual badges. Be sure to trim the excess paper around the edges. Laminate the badges to protect them.