Things You'll Need
Take pictures outside with natural light; it's the most flattering light, and a sandy beach or flowery meadow makes a beautiful backdrop that can rival any studio portrait.
Keep a digital copy of your portrait pictures, and then experiment with the color saturation. Black and white portraits can be stunning and are suitable for framing. They fit in well with almost any decor. Create a collage that features a variety of black and white portraits in different size frames.
Take the color saturation out, and then add spot color. If you're using a photo editing program, such as Adobe or Photo Explosion, you can tint the lips and eyes, and then add a blush to the cheeks.
Experiment with lights to create interesting patterns. Attach a snoot to the end of your flash to direct the light more precisely on your subject. Fashion a snoot with a few layers of aluminum foil. Form the foil into a cone shape, and then attach the wide end to your flash. Using a black piece of fabric for a backdrop, you can create interesting portraits.