Things You'll Need
Paint the walls. Even if you are planning on using backdrops, by painting the walls you can have three different backgrounds ready to go at any time. Paint one wall white, one wall black and one wall lime green. The lime green wall allows for easy subject selection after the shoot when you want to drop in a different background. Post-production editing programs enable photographers and designers to easily edit their pictures. When you need to add a different background, perhaps another picture into the image you just shot, a distinctive color like lime green makes it easier for the computer to differentiate between the background and the subject. Select paint that has a flat, nonreflective finish.
Determine the area you will use for a changing room. You can either build a small room inside the studio, taking away from the overall space, or use portable room dividers or screens that will give models and clients some privacy when they are changing.
Identify the number and locations of power outlets in the room you are going to be using. You will need to plug in your studio lights and possibly a charger for your camera batteries.
Position your studio lights. Digital photography enables you to select the correct white balance for the lights you're shooting with. This allows you to use any type of light source and still have correctly balanced images by adjusting the white balance on your camera. You should have three to five lights for your studio: two or three to illuminate your subject and one or two to illuminate the background when necessary.
Start collecting props, stools, benches, chairs and small tables to use in your studio. Visiting garage sales or flea markets is a good way to pick up these items without having to spend a lot of money. By adding different elements to your images, you can quickly change the overall feel or look of your picture. A portrait can take on an entirely different feel when you remove the stool and replace it with a chair for the subject to straddle. Small changes can yield significant improvements.