Things You'll Need
Obtain a fish-eye lens for your digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) or a fish-eye adapter for a point-and-shoot camera. A fish-eye lens for your DSLR can be expensive to buy. These are specialty lenses that are not massed-produced in the same quantities as other lenses. You can, however, usually rent the lens for a day from some retailers or the manufacturer directly.
Attach the lens to your camera by lining up the guide dots and rotating the lens onto the camera until it clicks into place. A fish-eye lens has a unique front element that is rounded and looks like a dome. This front element protrudes from the front of the lens; use care not to scratch it.
Hold the camera up to your eye. You will be able to see the fish-eye effect when you look through the viewfinder. To achieve the greatest effect, have the horizon run through the middle of the lens.
Press the shutter release halfway down to prefocus the lens. Compose the picture and press the shutter release all the way down to take the picture.