Things You'll Need
Open your blurry photograph in Photoshop. Click on the "Channels" palette on the right side of the screen. Create a new channel by clicking on the "New Channel" icon at the bottom of the palette. Name the new channel "Sharpening Mask."
Select the "RGB" channel in the "Channels" palette. Click on the "Select" menu and select "All." Click on the "Edit" menu and click on "Copy." Click on the "Sharpening Mask" channel in the "Channels" palette, then click on the "Edit" menu, and select "Copy" to paste a copy of the original image into the new channel you created.
Click on the "Filter" menu, scroll down to "Stylize" and select "Find Edges." The resulting change will make the image appear as a drawing; this is only temporary.
Click on the "Image" menu, scroll down to "Adjust," and select "Levels." In the pop-up menu that appears, move the black point from the left side and the white point over from the right until you achieve the desired crispness. You can preview the image as you make adjustments. The black parts are the only areas that will be sharpened but the whites usually need to be balanced along with the blacks. Click on the "Filter" menu, scroll down to "Blur," and select the "Gaussian Blur" option. Adjust it to three pixels in the pop-up box and click "OK."
Click on the "Select" menu and scroll down to "Load Selection." Change the channel to "Sharpening Mask" and check the "Invert" box in the pop-up window that appears.
Click on the "Layers" palette to view the image. Click on the "View" menu, scroll down to "Show" and select "Hide Edges." Click on the "View" menu and click on "Actual Pixels." Center the photograph so the area you want sharpened is the most apparent.
Click on the "Filter" menu, scroll down to "Sharpen," and select "Unsharp Mask." Adjust the values to reach the desired effect. Usually, the radius is between .5 and 1.0 and the threshold is usually set at 0. Click on the "File" menu and click on "Save" to save your sharpened image.