Things You'll Need
Select a cardboard box large enough to house the items you want to photograph inside the light tent.
Remove the top flaps from the box, using a utility knife. This will be the front of your light tent, and the bottom of the box will be the back wall of the light tent. Cut out the sides of three of the four side walls, leaving enough cardboard to create a frame.
Cut a piece of white poster board to be the same width as your light tent. Attach the poster board to the top of the back wall and let it drop into a curve shape, and attach the other end of the poster board to the bottom front of the light tent. This creates a seamless background for the objects you're photographing.
Measure and attach translucent white material to the three open sides. The material can be old white sheets or white vinyl shower curtains. Secure the material in place using duct tape or adhesive.
Position three desk lamps, one on either side and one through the top of the light tent, and turn them on. Turn your digital camera on and set the white balance to match the type of lights you are using. Position the first items you are photographing inside the light tent and take a test picture. Adjust the exposure and white balance if needed, and then photograph the items that need to be shot.