Things You'll Need
Turn your computer on and open Adobe Photoshop, GIMP or Photoshop is a program you buy, while GIMP and are free programs based on Adobe Photoshop. The name of some tools is slightly different from program to program; however, the necessary steps are the same.
Click "File" and select "Open" from the drop down menu. Use your cursor to navigate to the folder containing the over-exposed picture. Highlight the picture and click "Ok" to open the image.
Click "Layer" and select "Adjustment Layer" and then select "Brightness/Contrast" from the subsequent menu. Click the thumbnail in the right margin for the layer you just created.
Select the "Quick Selection tool" in the left margin. Position your cursor over the area of the photograph that is over exposed. Click the "Brightness/Contrast" layer you created, click and hold the adjustment tab and move the tab to darken the over exposed areas on your picture. Release the tab and the program will make the adjustment to the picture.
Click "Layer" and select "Flatten Image" so you can save your edited picture. Click "File," select "Save as" and give your edited photo a new name or title before saving the image to your home computer.