Set the ASA to the speed of film that is loaded into the camera. With the lens pointed towards you, this knob is found on the right-hand side of the lens, near the front. Turn the knob to the correct setting.
Set the aperture by turning the distance scale. The distance scale is located on the back of the lens closest to the camera body. Align the aperture setting with the black line located directly above the distance scale.
Select the shutter speed. It can be found on the aluminum dial that is closest to the end of the lens. There should be a series of numbers on the dial. Align the chosen speed with the black dot directly behind the dial.
Point the camera towards your subject. Look at the top of the camera to find the exposure meter needle. With the camera now facing away from you, the meter will be on the right-hand side, near the middle. Adjust the diaphragm ring until the needle is in the center of the exposure meter. The diaphragm ring is on the lens, right behind the shutter speed dial.
Look through the viewfinder. In the center of it you will see a small rectangle that magnifies a section of the image to ease the task of focusing. The focus dial will be located on the left of the lens when it is facing away from you. Turn the dial until the magnified image is clear and focused.
Depress the shutter release button. It is located to the right of the lens when the camera is pointed away from you. Depress the film advance lever which is located on the back of the camera, on the right-hand side.