Stop using the camera or insert a new card as soon as you realize the picture has been deleted. Should the physical space on the memory where the deleted picture sits be used to store a new picture, then the deleted picture is potentially lost.
Turn your home computer on, connect to the Internet and download a recovery program like PixFix, PC Smart Image Recovery or CameraSalvage for Mac users. Once loaded, open the software.
Remove the memory card from your Canon SX120IS and insert it into the card reader on your computer or a card reader that is attached to your computer. Wait a moment for your computer to acknowledge the memory card.
Click "Start/Scan" in the recovery program you downloaded and select the icon that represents the memory card. The software will scan the card, and when completed, a new window will open up with the recovered images displayed in the window. Highlight the file by clicking it and save the deleted image to your computer's hard drive.