Things You'll Need
Turn your home computer on and download the program that you want to use. Once downloaded open the program. The tools are located in similar positions and use similar names in all three of the programs.
Click "File" and select "Open" from the drop down menu, use your cursor to select the image you want to draw on and click "OK" to open the picture in the program window.
Click on the pencil shaped icon located in the left margin of the program. In the toolbar across the top of the window select the pixel size of the pencil, the opacity of the pencil and the color you want the pencil to be.
Use the computer mouse to position the cursor to the location you want to draw on in the picture. Click and hold the left button on your mouse and move the mouse to draw on the picture.
Click "File" and select "Save as" give your edited image a new name and save it to your computer's hard drive.