Loading the Film
Loading black and white, color or slide film onto film reels has to be done in complete darkness. During the science fair, you can publish times when you will be doing this with a changing bag. Have additional reels and test film in your display so attendees can see how challenging it is to feed the film onto the reels. Have blindfolds available for those who want to see what it would be like in total darkness.
Processing the Film
Before bringing chemicals into the science fair, you should obtain permission from the organizers; if allowed, you will be able to process film during the actual science fair. Each step involves a specific amount of time and temperature. Include a step by step instruction sheet available in your booth.
Removing the Film
Once the film has been processed, you can remove the film and show attendees the result of the process you just completed. Allow the film to dry before selecting the negative.
Making the Print
This step does need to be done under safe lights. Since the entire science fair cannot be in a darkroom, install an enlarger in your display and include the items you normally use to create a print, including the film carrier, easel and the trays that process the print. You can still show how the enlarger works by raising and lower the head, causing the picture to increase or decrease in size on the easel.