Open the photo editing software you traditionally use to edit your images. Insert the memory card from your digital camera into the computer's card reader or a card reader that is attached to your computer. Download the images to your computer the same way you normally would.
Open the photo in which you want to edit and reduce the resolution. Edit the picture as you would normally. When you are done, click the "Properties" or "Image" tab in the program's toolbar. Select "Image size" from the drop-down menu.
Toggle to DPI (dots per inch) and change the value to a lower number than what appears in the window. DPI refers to the resolution for printing the image. 300 DPI is generally the most used resolution for prints. Lower resolutions are used for lesser quality reproductions or if you are posting the image onto a website. 200 DPI is used with most newspapers and 72 DPI is the setting for computer screens. Change the value to the setting you need, then click "OK" to save your change.
Click "File" in the navigation bar, give your edited picture a new name and save it to your hard drive. Do not save it to the original file, as this will overwrite the original file and you will lose the full-resolution original.