Things You'll Need
Turn your Canon D60 on. Press the menu button and scroll through the menu and select "Image quality." Set the camera to record in "RAW" mode. Position your camera and take the two or more pictures that you want to blend together.
Turn your home computer on, connect to the Internet and download a free program that allows you to create HDRs. Advanced programs like Adobe Photoshop CS5 also supports this type of work. Open the program after it has been downloaded.
Connect the Canon D60 to your home computer or remove the compact flash memory card and insert it into a card reader attached to the computer. Download the images to your home computer.
Click "File" in the navigation bar of the HDR program and select the two images you want to merge into one image. Click "OK" after you have highlighted the files, and the two images will appear in the program layered on top of each other.
Click "File," select "Save as," give your picture a new name and save the merged image to your computer's hard drive.