Things You'll Need
Turn your home computer on and open Adobe Photoshop or a program similar to it. Photo editing programs such as GIMP and are free programs and very similar to Photoshop.
Click "File" in the navigation bar of Adobe Photoshop and click "Open" from the drop-down menu. Locate the folder and the image you want to increase in size. Click the image and select "Ok" in the bottom-right corner of the window to open the picture.
Click "Image" in the navigation bar and select "Re-size" from the drop-down menu, then select "Image-size" from the new window.
Change the value in the "Width" box to "10," and change the measurement from "Inches" to "Percent." Click "Ok" in the top-right of the box. The program will increase the image by 10 percent.
Click "View" in the navigation bar and select "Actual pixels." Inspect the image for loss of quality. Increase the image subsequent times, each by 10 percent, until you reach the image size you want -- or you begin to see a loss of quality in the picture.