Things You'll Need
Before Taking Your Picture
Increase your camera's ISO setting. The higher the ISO, the more sensitive your camera's sensor is to light; the lower the ISO, the less sensitive. Using a higher ISO, such as 400 or 800, will allow you to use faster shutter speeds, reducing the effect of camera shake and motion blur in the resulting photo.
Attach a wide-angle lens to your camera prior to shooting. Lenses with shorter focal lengths, usually below 35mm, allow you to fit more of the scene into the resulting picture. They also allow you to handhold your camera at slower shutter speeds.
Enable live view on your camera, if possible. Live view lets you use your camera's LCD display screen as a viewfinder, eliminating the need to squint through a much smaller eyepiece.
Set your camera to full auto mode. While many amateur and professional photographers prefer to operate exposure settings and focus manually, auto mode is ideal when shooting on the move as most of the decisions are left up to the camera.
Taking Your Picture While Walking
Turn on your camera and raise it to eye level as you walk.
Glance at the LCD display screen and compose your shot.
Depress the shutter button halfway to focus on your subject. At this point, the camera will select the aperture, or lens opening, and shutter speed that will give proper exposure.
Hold the camera as steady as possible and press the shutter button all the way down to take your picture.