Batters at the Plate
It may be Little League, but to the players these games are important. Watching the kids, you will see the effort in their eyes as they try to hit the ball. Position yourself down the first or third baseline. Take the picture just before the ball reaches the plate when the player's eyes are concentrated on the ball. A medium to long telephoto lens is a good choice for this shot. Or, you can use a 200 mm lens or extend the zoom on your camera until the batter almost fills the frame. Leave some room in the frame for the batter to swing. You should also use a fast-enough shutter speed to freeze the ball as it crosses the plate.
Snap a picture as the batter tries to run out a throw to first base. Position yourself on the third baseline, and use a medium telephoto lens such as a 200 mm lens. Focus on the first baseman and wait for the action to happen. Take the picture just before the first baseman catches the ball. Use a fast shutter speed at 1/250th of a second or faster. If your camera as a "Servo" or "Continuous" focusing mode where the camera tracks the athlete, use that program to keep the athlete in focus while he is running from base to base. Look for double plays when there is a runner on first base, and aim your camera toward second base to try and shoot a picture when the second baseman makes his throw to first. Try to anticipate the play that might unfold and be ready to shoot the action as it happens.
On the Bench
While the game is going on, those who are waiting for their turn at bat will be on the bench. During this time there will be many good candid photo opportunities to take pictures of kids doing what they do best -- having fun with each other. Use a telephoto lens so you can photograph them without them noticing you.
Candid Pictures
Look for interesting, candid pictures that will capture the essence of what a Little League baseball game is like, such as bats lined up on the dugout wall, a collection of players' gloves, parents and fans watching and cheering during the game, or the third-base coach as he sends signals to the catcher. There are many different pictures you can get at a Little League baseball game; the real key is watching for activity on and off the field and being ready to shoot whenever you see an interesting picture or scene.