Whether it is the family home, cottage or favorite park, find a location that is important or significant to the family. While this is not a requirement for great family pictures, having them photographed in special place adds a special touch to the family portrait.
Families usually increase in numbers over time. Sons and daughters get married and start families of their own. Use poses that show the entire family together, and try poses that highlight the different parts of the family. Have the parents in the front of the picture, with the sons' and or daughters' families behind and slightly out of focus. Then do the same for the sons' and daughters' families. Use this picture as secondary picture to the main image. You can also do this for the grandchildren, keeping them in the front, with the parents and grandparents behind and slightly out of focus.
Have the family co-ordinate their wardrobe by wearing the same colors. Take the time to plan this and if possible have everyone meet a day or two before the shoot to go over the wardrobe options. Accent items like scarves, hats or jackets can be used to coordinate the picture.
Color, black and white or sepia
The photographers has a number of options when it comes to final print options. From a color digital file she can print the picture in color, or change the file to blank and white or the brown-toned sepia color. Sometimes you may want to use spot color in which a portion of the picture is in color and other parts of the picture are in black and white.