Things You'll Need
Read your camera's manual to determine whether you can take pictures in black-and-white with your camera. Most digital cameras have this feature, though some will only allow you to convert the photo after it has been taken.
Find a subject that will turn out well when viewed in black-and-white. A portrait in black-and-white will give the photo a timeless effect, while a black-and-white landscape can add depth and drama to your image.
Set up your shot. You might want to use a tripod. If shooting a portrait of a person, make sure that your subject's clothing is a solid color that will draw attention from the background to your subject. For landscapes, find an interesting angle from which to shoot. Black-and-white images look more interesting when there are patterns or lines within the image.
Remove all elements of clutter from your shot. In any type of shot, excess clutter will distract from the photo, leading the eye away from the subject.
Consider the lighting needed for your photo. Lighting is very important for black-and-whites. If shooting outside, photographing during the day will add shadows, while shooting on a cloudy day can create a dream-like effect.