Black And White
Shooting in black and white is a great way to take portraits. Black and white will accentuate shadows, adding depth and contour to a face. Black and white will also add a dramatic effect to a photograph. Using a dark background increases this effect even further. While color photographs are interesting in their own respect, black and whites encourage the viewer to notice the minute details and add a timeless effect to the overall photo.
For some portraits, the closer you can get to the subject, the better the photograph will turn out. Fill the frame with the subject's face or zoom in as close a possible. After all, the photo is about the subject, not the background. For instance, shooting only half of the face can make for an interesting portrait.
Abstract Portrait
A portrait does not necessarily have to include a subject's face. A portrait simply tell the story of a person. With that in mind, photograph other parts of a subject's body. For instance, photograph them from the legs down so that their shoes are the main subject, or photograph them holding hands with someone else. A picture is worth a thousand words. The way you describe a person through the picture is up to you.
Lighting is a very important aspect of a portrait. Add short lighting or broad lighting to your subject's face. Short lighting is created by positioning a light source so that light is reflected on the side of the face facing away from the camera. Broad lighting, on the other hand, is created by positioning the source of light on the opposite side so that light reflects off of the side of the face that is facing the camera.