Things You'll Need
Open the double zipper of the film changing bag and place the canister of film, film reel, small processing tank, pliers and scissors inside the bag. Close both zippers on the bag. Insert your arms into the sleeves of the bag. This bag provides a light-proof place where you remove the film from the canister. This must be done in complete darkness as any light source could expose the film and render it spoiled.
Pry the bottom of the film canister off using the pliers. Pop the film out of the canister and cut the film leader strip off with the scissors. Insert the edge of the film into the holding clip on the film reel and load the film onto the reel. This takes some practice. If the film comes in contact with itself, the area in contact will be ruined during the processing. Practice this step under normal light with a test roll before trying it in a dark bag where you cannot see your hands.
Place the film reel loaded with the film into the small processing tank and place the lid on the tank. Remove your arms from the changing bag, open the double zipper and remove the tank from the bag.
Mix the chemicals for the type of film you are developing as per the instructions on the side of the chemical bottles, in the darkroom. Follow the instructions for processing the type of film you are working with, whether it is black and white, color negative or color slide film.
Remove the lid from the small processing tank once all of the developing steps have been completed. All steps must be completed before you remove the lid, otherwise the film might be ruined. Place the open tank under a source of running water inside the darkroom and wash the film for 10 to 15 minutes.
Remove the film reel after the film has been washed and carefully take the film off of the reel. Hang the film to dry using clothes pins or film clip.
Cut the film into strips of five frames and insert the strips into archival sleeves to protect the film during storage.