Things You'll Need
Turn your digital camera on, and change the scene shooting mode or the picture style setting from color to black and white. Depending on the make and model of camera you are using, the step will vary, but the change is in the camera "setup" or "tools" menu.
Attach the colored filters designed for use with black and white film to the front of the camera lens. There are different colored filters that are designed to enhance contrast, and heighten similar toned colors when shot with black and white film. There are three basic colored filters used with black and white photography; they are green, orange and red. The difference in intensity will change the amount of contrast between colors.
Use a polarizing filter on the front of your lens when shooting outdoors in bright sunlight. Polarizer filters remove glare and reflection from non metallic sources like glass from your pictures. Using these filters will create a more accurate picture when photographing glass; the picture will also be more pleasing to the viewer as distracting reflections will be eliminated.