Click "Edit" in the navigation bar and select "Color variations," "Colorcast correction," or "Adjust color" from the drop-down menu. The wording will be slightly different depending on the program you are using. When you click on the tool of your choice, a graph tool or slider tool with adjustment tabs will open up. Adjusting the tab will change the color of the picture. There are a number of programs, both free and for purchase, that you could use. Adobe Photoshop is available for purchase over the Internet and offers a free trial. and are free programs that use tools and steps similar to Photoshop. See the resources section for links.
Click and hold the adjustment tab with your computer mouse. Slide the tool slightly to change the color balance of the picture. Depending on the program, you may be able to adjust each individual color channel or the program may automatically adjust all the color channels as you move the adjustment tab. When you reach the point where you are satisfied with the color correction, release the adjustment tab and the photo will automatically change.
Click "Edit" in the navigation bar and select "Levels," "Exposure," or "Curves" from the drop-down menu. If your photos are a little under or overexposed, this will also have an impact on the color in your pictures. Click and hold the adjustment tab and move the tab until the exposure has been corrected. Release the tab and the picture will be adjusted.
Click "File" and select "Save as." Name the adjusted picture and save it as a separate file from the original. Doing this will retain the original file for any future editing you may want to do.