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How to Use Curves for Dark Photos

The "Curves" tool is a proprietary tool that can be found in the Adobe photo editing program "Photoshop CS5" and prior versions. The tool adjusts the exposure of an image, modifying the highlight and shadow detail at the same time when you slide the adjustment tab. The Curves tool is shown in a graph form that represents the changes you are making to the image.


    • 1

      Turn on your computer, open the Adobe Photoshop CS5 program and open the dark image you want to adjust.

    • 2

      Click "Adjustment" in the navigation bar and "Curves" from the drop-down menu. A small window will open that resembles a line graph, with a line running on a slight curve from the bottom left of the graph to the top right.

    • 3

      Position your computer mouse cursor on the line, click and hold the left button on your mouse. Gradually move the graph line away from its starting position to the upper left or bottom right and observe the changes it makes to the image. You can darken the picture or lighten it depending on your objective and the starting point of the image you are using.

    • 4

      Release the mouse button when you have adjusted the image to your liking, and the program will automatically add the adjustment to the photo.

    • 5

      Click "File" and select "Save as" to save your adjusted image to a new file name. This will retain the original picture should you want to edit it again in the future.

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