Handle Carefully
Mold spores can become airborne. Carefully remove the 35mm slides and negatives from the box they are being stored in. Once you've removed them from the box, wrap the box in a plastic bag and throw it in the garbage. Use gloves when handling the affected slides or negatives.
Inspection and Initial Clean
Hold the slides and look for evidence of mold. The negatives and slides will have a foggy appearance, or you may see small dots of mold spores on the slide or negative. Do not use compressed air, as it will spread the mold into the area you are working. Use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to remove dust or debris from the slide.
Cleaning the Slide or Negative
Use a second microfiber cloth moistened with a small amount of pure alcohol --- not household rubbing alcohol --- to clean the negative or slide until the mold is removed. Avoid blowing on the negative or slide. You want the mold to be contained on the microfiber cloth. Once cleaned, allow slides or negatives to dry thoroughly. After you have cleaned all of the affected slides and negatives, throw away the cloths you used to clean the slides and negatives.
Archival Storage Sleeves
Use plastic archival storage sleeves to store your negatives and slides in. These sleeves will protect your negatives and slides, and will also help prevent future mold from attaching itself to your negatives and slides. Place the sleeves in a new box and store the box in a cool, dry area.