Prepare your content. When you sit down to lay out your story book, the process will be easier if you already have written the text and edited the pictures. You can use any word processing program to write the text, as you will copy it into the book templates online.
Edit your photos using a photo editing program. Some online book templates will allow you to make small changes, such as cropping or adjusting the picture for brightness. Completing these changes before you start to lay out your storybook will save time.
Connect to the Internet and create a customer account with the retailer through which you are purchasing the book; if you already have an account, log in.
Start with Page 1 in your book and select the template you want to use for this page. You can use different templates for each page. This will allow you to vary the number of pictures on a page and have some pages with all text or photos.
Select the background color for the page template. If your book is designed for girls, select a color you feel is appropriate for girls.
Click "Add text" in the book template and follow the prompts to add the text to Page 1. Click "Add picture" and follow the prompts generated by the book program to add the picture to the page. Repeat this step for the remaining pages for your story book.
Click "Save as," give your story book a title and save the book. From here you can select the number of copies you want printed and payment options.