Turn on your digital camera and set the exposure mode to manual. Most DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras have a dial located on the top of the camera where you can set the exposure. Some point and shoot models also have these dials. For cameras without the dial, access the exposure mode by pressing the "Menu" button.
Look through the camera's viewfinder or at the rear LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen. There will be a small line with a pointer on it. This is the light meter, and when the pointer is in the middle, the camera is exposed properly. Hold the camera to your eye and press the shutter release halfway down to activate the metering and auto-focus programs.
Turn the control dials to adjust the shutter speed and aperture until the camera's light meter pointer is on the middle mark. Once the exposure is set, you will not need to set it again until the light changes or you change your location.
Hold the camera to your eye and compose the picture. Try to build the picture from left to right, and front to back, using buildings, trees or other elements in your picture to frame your subject. Move around and see if you can find a better angle. Include something in the foreground of the picture that leads the viewer's eye towards the subject. You want the subject to stand out in the picture. If you were taking a picture of a person standing at end of curved pathway, the pathway in the front of the picture will naturally lead a viewer's eye to the subject.
Check your exposure again and press the shutter release all the way down to take the picture.