Click "File" and select "Get photo" from the drop-down menu. Locate the folder and file of the scanned artwork you want to edit. Click the file and click "Ok" located in the bottom-right corner of the window to open the image.
Click the "magic wand" tool in the left margin of Adobe Photoshop. The "magic wand" icon looks like a small wand with a star at the top. If you roll your mouse over the icon, the name will appear, so you know you are selecting the correct tool.
Press and hold the "Shift" and the "Ctrl" keys on your key board and press the "+" key to increase the magnification of your artwork. If the area you are selecting with the "magic wand" is small, then you should increase the size of the image to make it easier to work on.
Click the area on which you want to work with the "magic wand." You will notice the selected area will have a moving dotted line around it. If the selection is complete, then you can proceed and edit the selection the way you want. If you need to add or subtract from the selection, right-click your mouse and you will a see a "green wand" and "red wand" option appear. The "green wand" will allow you to add to your selection. The "red wand" will allow to remove parts of the image from your selection.