Things You'll Need
Digital Editing
Upload your digital photograph to your computer and open it in your photo editing software. Adobe Photoshop is one popular editing program that's widely available.
Select from the menu options to apply effects to your photograph, including blurring, washout, morphing or tiling the picture, then save the picture when you're satisfied with the results. This can be a lengthy process, especially if you don't have prior editing experience; online websites may work best if you don't have expensive software, or lots of editing experience.
Choose an online editing website such as Fun Editor, Citrify Photo Editor or FaceinHole. Different websites will allow you to apply different effects, so search around and try different sites until you find one that works best for you.
Upload the digital photograph to the editing website. Most websites will have an "upload" button, and then you can click "browse" and search for the photograph on your computer.
Choose an option like "cartoonize yourself" to make your photograph look like a cartoon drawing.
Cut out a face, or bodies, within the digital photograph and then play around with adding the image to different backgrounds. The editing program usually has an option to allow you to "cut" portions of the photograph for use in your funny edits.
Add the image to famous paintings, magazine covers, historical landmarks and more. You can even add your face to a famous face, or try out a funky new haircut with photo editing.
Apply color effects, stretching or digital blurring to customize your funny photo.
Click "save" and then email or print your funny picture to share with friends and family.
Hands-on Crafts
Choose the hard copy photograph from which you'd like to create a funny picture.
Cut the subject --- person, pet or building --- from the picture with a pair of scissors.
Glue the subject to a funny new background, such as an existing photograph, or a background from a magazine. One fun example is to glue an image of someone in a bathing suit to a magazine image of a winter landscape.
Draw and cut caption bubbles from white paper, write a funny saying and glue the bubble near the mouth of the picture subject, to make it look like he's saying something funny.
Use stickers to enhance your digital photograph without cutting the subject from the picture. For example, you can add stickers of your favorite cartoon characters to make it look like they're in the photograph with you.