Things You'll Need
Measure the size and thickness of the foam core. The board needs to be slightly larger than the image being mounted to it. This extra size will allow you to stretch the canvass so it remains tight and free of wrinkles once mounted to the board.
Lay a plastic sheet on the table you are working on to protect it from the aerosols you will be using. Work in a well ventilated area.
Place the printed canvass face down on the plastic sheeting.
Spray the foam core lightly and evenly across the entire surface with an appropriate aerosol adhesive. Wait the recommended amount of the time for the adhesive to become tacky but not dry.
Lay the foam core onto the canvass, turn the board over and spread, working from the center of the canvass to its edges, make sure it is flat against the board. Allow the adhesive to dry.
Turn the foam core board over the so the back of the board is facing you, and spray the adhesive across the back of the board.
Pull, fold and lay the excess canvass onto the back of the board. Repeat this for each of the four edges of the board.