Things You'll Need
Confirm the scanner settings. OVT scanners will scan film negatives and film positives, otherwise known as slides. If the scanner is incorrectly set, the result will not be what you are expecting. To check the settings, open the software that was included with your scanner when you purchased it. Click "Settings" and confirm the correct media type is selected.
Remove the film strip carrier from the scanner and make sure you have installed the film strip properly, if your images appear to be reversed when they are scanned. This can be a common mistake--the dull side of the negative or slide should facing down. Replace the film strip or slides and start your scanning process again.
Clean your film strip or negatives if you begin to see black spots on your scans. This will likely be caused by dust that has collected on the negative or slide. You can clean the slide or film strip using an "anti-static" cloth. This specially treated cloth will remove dust and dirt from your film and prevent dust from collecting on the slide or film strip during the scanning process.