Digital Film Solutions
Navigate to and click on "Solutions."
Select "Microfilm scanning" from the menu presented.
Read through a description of the conversion process and click on the link or call the number provided to ask for a quote.
Send your microfilm to Digital Film Solutions. The company will convert it and return it to you along with a CD-ROM containing the contents of your film in the digital format of your choice.
Generation Imaging
Go to and click on "Microfilm scanning."
Read through the description of the service the company provides to see if it's right for you.
Call or email one of the contacts listed to the left of the screen to get a quote.
Send your microfilm to be converted. Generation Imaging will return it to you in the agreed format.
Scan It Today
Visit and click on "Microfilm scanning" to the left of the screen.
Read through a description of the service on offer and call the free phone number for a quote.
Send your microfilm off to Scan It Today and wait for it to be returned in digital format.