Release the film door lock. Remove the side of the camera that reveals the film and film track cavity.
Load a roll of 16mm film into the top of the film cavity.
Feed the film's leader under the small top guide wheel. Follow the film track and guide the film behind the shutter, over the lower guide wheel and onto the take-up reel. Turn the take-up reel a few times to make sure the film is feeding correctly.
Replace the film door and secure the latch.
Open the winder handle. Crank the camera until it is fully wound. The camera will take 35 to 40 seconds worth of footage at 24 frames per second.
Turn the three-lens array and select the lens you want to shoot with.
Set the aperture to its largest opening -- this is indicated by the smallest number, usually f1.9. Look through the viewfinder and focus the lens. Set the aperture. Since there is no light meter on this camera, use the f16 rule, which says in bright outdoor conditions to set the aperture to f16.
Hold the camera to your eye. Press the "start" button located above the lens array. Start taping. Press the same button to stop filming.