Things You'll Need
Log into Etsy's Terms of Use page to review the rules involved with selling on the website. This page has an overview of the rules of Etsy including fees, privacy terms, copyright policies and guidelines for trademarks. The later are extremely important to note for photographers since work sold on Etsy must be owned by the seller.
Register for an Etsy account. When choosing a name, think of one that best represents the work you will be selling. This user name will be used for your seller account, as well as the account used to buy items on Etsy. Etsy offers some help in deciding on a name and what to consider when choosing your shop title.
Click on the gray sell box once you are officially registered. This will take you directly to the shop area where you will be able to design your shop, and decide on payment options and policies for your on-line store.
List the items you'd like to sell. Choose clear and intriguing photographs to draw in potential customers. Use concise and informative key words to help guest locate your photographs. This is especially pertinent if photographs focus on specific locales and themes. Knowledge of Search Engine Optimization or SEO is beneficial in helping your photographs stand out from others. Use colors in your keywords that are helpful for customers looking for home decor items.
Promote your Etsy shop through online publicity, social networking and traditional marketing. Etsy members often have blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and Flickr accounts specifically for their Etsy shops. These venues send out feelers for attracting new clients and make it easier for others to refer potential guests to your shop. Traditional marketing makes use of physical items to pass out to potential clients. Etsy sellers make use of Moo cards which are miniature business cards which use photographs or your items-for-sale. They also provide a method for contacting the the seller and their shop name.