Create a pinhole camera by using a small can or box such as a oatmeal box, a soup can or a shoe box. Paint the inside black to prevent reflections. If the lid is plastic or transparent, paint it black.
Make a pinhole in the bottom of the camera by using a tool such as an awl or ice pick and rotate the camera as you create your hole for a smoother circle. Then cover your pinhole with black paper between exposures.
Attach photographic paper or film to the lid of the camera under a safe light for photographic paper or in a dark room for film.
Create your image by uncovering your pinhole. For photographic paper, keep the pinhole uncovered for about two minutes. If you're using film, keep the pinhole open for one or two seconds if you're photographing in a sunny location. Increase the exposure time if you're shooting in a shady location.
Process film negatives in the usual way.