Things You'll Need
Set up a blue screen in the space to take a picture. You can find several different screens available for purchase at camera and film stores. You can also use blue screen paint on a white background to create screens. Whatever your method, your most important consideration centers on creating an evenly colored background.
Place lights around the screen to light the subject. Bring in the model or actor to stand for lighting. Adjust light levels and positions until you have created even lighting throughout the entire scene; measure all areas of the scene with a light meter. Note that backlighting often causes a reflection of the background color onto the subject. Light carefully, and use a yellow gel over the backlight to reduce any blue tones.
Move the subject as far away from the screen as possible to achieve the shot. Take the photographs of the subject. Upload the shots onto the computer.
Open the photo you have chosen to edit in a digital editing program. Use the color selection tool to select the background color. Invert the selection to change the selection to the subject.
Open a photo of the new background scene for the subject in the same digital editing program. Click the selection from Step 4 to select it, then drag it onto the new background. Place it in the photo in the location of your choice.
Save the new image with a different name in a recognizable location.