Double-click the Photoshop Elements icon on your computer's desktop. If you do not have Photoshop Elements on your computer, first install it by inserting the program disk into your computer's drive or download a trial version from the Internet.
Click on "File," select "New" and select "Web." A new page will appear with a window asking you to select a background color for your page. Select the color, click "OK" and your new page will be created already sized at 72 dpi (dots per inch) for the Web.
Click on "File," "Place." This will open up a window directing you to locate the images you want to use on your page. Open the folder containing your pictures, select the image you want to use and click "OK."
Resize the image by positioning your mouse cursor on the bounding box corner. Click and hold this box and move your mouse to resize, rotate and reposition your image. When finished, double-click on the image itself to save its position.
Add a new layer by clicking on "Layers," selecting "New" and then "Fill." Select "Color" and choose a color for your new layer page.
Click on the new layer box that will appear in the palette on the right side of your screen. From the drop-down menu, change the type of layer from "Normal" to "Overlay" and reduce the Opacity slide adjustment to 50 percent.
Add additional features from the palette located on the left side of the screen by clicking any items you want to add, from shadow boxes to borders to edges. For each new item or picture you want to add, create a new layer as was done in previous steps.