Prepare your negatives for scanning by gently cleaning them with a anti-static cloth. This specially treated cloth will remove any dust from your negatives and also prevent dust from collecting on them during the scanning process.
Place the negative strip into the film scanner's carrier tray. Most carrier trays will accept negatives in strips of five or four frames.
Create a new file folder on your computer's hard drive where your scanned photos will be saved. Designate the folder you just created in the scanner's software. Place the carrier tray into the film scanner and press the "Start" button. The scanner will scan the negatives and save them to the file folder you have designated on your computer's hard drive.
Place a picture CD into the CD/DVD burner drive on your computer.
Locate the file folder containing the digital images of the negatives you just completed scanning. Right click the folder and select "send to" from the drop down menu box. Identify the CD/DVD burner drive containing the Picture CD and click "OK."
Remove the Picture CD from the drive and using a fine tip marker, write on the front the name of the subject or event and the date the Picture CD was created.