Using the film carrier designed for 120-roll film, place the negative strip in the carrier, and gently insert the negative carrier into the enlarger.
Place a photo easel on the enlarger base, and turn on the enlarger lamp.
Adjust the height of enlarger head by turning the top crank on the left side of the Beseler Printmaker 35 enlarger. Adjusting the height will size the projected image to match the paper size on which you are printing.
Focus your image by rotating the focusing knob on the left side of the enlarger. Once the picture is sized and focused, turn off the enlarger lamp before placing the photographic paper in the easel.
Place the photographic paper in the easel. Set your the timer on the control panel to match the best exposure from your test strip. Set the aperture on the enlarger lens to f5.6, and press the start button.