Compose your picture normally. Make sure the tilt and shift adjustments are set to zero. Using a tripod, compose your photo as you would with any other type of lens. Focus the lens until you are satisfied the subject is in correct focus.
Apply tilt or shift adjustments. Loosen the tightening knobs on the lens and gently adjust the lens to match your shooting requirements. This is a trial and error approach, and should be done in sequential steps. If you are adjusting the tilt for focusing effect, adjust the tilt. Tighten the knob, re-adjust your focus, look through the view finder and take a sample picture.
Review your test image either by zooming in on the review screen, or by loading the test image onto your computer and inspect. Adjust the lens settings and focusing point and take another test picture. Once you are satisfied with all the adjustments and settings, take your final picture.